Manage Account Details

The "Account Details" feature in ManageArtworks acts as your control center for managing various account-related settings. It empowers you to:

  • Plan Status: Check information like your plan and it's activation status. Refer to Pricing and Upgrading.
  • Password Policy: Set rules for password strength and expiration to safeguard your system.
  • Default Settings: Choose the landing page you want users to see first when they log in.
  • Language: Set your preferred language for a tailored experience.

Access Account Details

  1. Log in to your ManageArtworks account.
  2. Select the Admin module.
  3. Click the "Account Details" tab.

How do I change the password policy?

Change Password Policy

  1. Navigate to Account Details.
  2. Click the "Password Policy" tab.
  3. Customize the following settings:
    • Password Expiration: Specify the number of days after which passwords should expire.
    • Minimum Length: Set a minimum number of characters required for passwords.
    • Complexity Rules: Choose whether to enforce alphanumeric characters, special characters, or uppercase letters.
    • Incorrect Attempt Limits: Determine how many incorrect attempts are allowed before a user is locked out.
  4. Click "Save" to apply your changes.

How do I change the landing page?

Change Landing Page

  1. Navigate to Account Details.
  2. Click the "Default Settings" tab.
  3. Select the desired module you want users to see upon login (e.g., Proofing, Search, Browse).
  4. Click "Save" to finalize your choice.

How do I change the language or application's terminology?


ManageArtworks allows extensive language customization options, allowing you to adapt the application's terminology to match yours, creating a more intuitive and familiar experience.

Easily customize terminology for both administrators and end users within distinct tabs in the Language section. Modify admin-related language in the Admin tab and adapt client-facing terminology in the Client tab.

Admin Section: Change Admin-related Language

  1. Navigate to Account Details.
  2. Click the "Language" tab.
  3. Click the "Admin" tab.
  4. Choose Your Element: Click the drop-down icon and select the administrative element you want to customize from a comprehensive list.
  5. Provide Your Translations: Enter your preferred alternative text in the "Alternative Text" column for each selected element, replacing the default English terms.
  6. Apply Changes: Click the "Publish" button to save your customizations.

Client Section: Change Client-related Language

  1. Navigate to Account Details.
  2. Click the "Language" tab.
  3. Click the "Client" tab.
  4. Choose Your Element: Click the drop-down icon and select the administrative element you want to customize from a comprehensive list.
  5. Provide Your Translations: Enter your preferred alternative text in the "Alternative Text" column for each selected element, replacing the default English terms.
  6. Apply Changes: Click the "Publish" button to save your customizations.