Track Projects and their Status

Learn how to see your own pending tasks. Track any project status and see if its delayed or on time.

ManageArtworks provides a suite of intuitive Project Views to help you stay organized, prioritize tasks, and track progress at a glance.

Predefined Views for Every Need

Get an overview

  • All Projects: See all active projects at once.
  • Completed & Terminated Projects: Quickly identify finished or closed projects.
  • In-Progress Projects: Monitor ongoing projects and potential bottlenecks.

Focus on your workload

  • Inbox: Keep track of assigned tasks and deadlines.
  • Projects I Initiated: Track the projects you set in motion.
  • Tasks I Participated in: See collaborative projects you're involved in.

Effortless Navigation & Customization

  • Switch views instantly: Click the hamburger menu and choose a view to filter projects on the fly.
  • Fine-tune your data: Access the Admin module and customize what information appears in each view. Refer to Customize Views to configure the display fields of the views.

Color-Coded Insights

  • Quickly grasp project status:
    • Green: Completed projects.
    • Blue: In-Progress projects.
    • Light orange: Delayed projects.
    • Red: Terminated projects.

Inbox Report: Stay on Top of Deadlines

  • Due Today: Focus on tasks you need to complete immediately.
  • Overdue: Address tasks that have already missed their deadlines.
  • Due Soon: Prioritize tasks with upcoming deadlines within a week.
  • Due Later: Manage tasks with deadlines over seven days away.
  • Future Tasks: See upcoming tasks within the same workflow.
  • Current Tasks: Stay organized with tasks currently in your inbox.