Quick Tour of ManageArtworks

ManageArtworks is your one-stop shop for streamlined artwork management, offering seven powerful modules to guide your projects from initiation to completion.

  New Project

  • Kick-off projects seamlessly: Initiate new project, fill in project details, upload files, assign tasks, and set deadlines to ensure a smooth start.
  • Empower your team: Assign users to specific tasks and milestones, keeping everyone on track and accountable.
  • Reference: Start a New Project.

 Project Views

  • Gain a visual overview: See project statuses at a glance, including deadlines, owners, and key milestones.
  • Monitor progress effortlessly: Track project advancement and identify potential bottlenecks to ensure timely completion.
  • Reference: Track Projects and their Status.

 Asset Library

  • Organize and access: Store all your digital assets in one organized, searchable location.
  • Discover with ease: Use metadata-based search or browse through a visual folder structure to find assets quickly.
  • View and manage details: Access file versions, asset information, associated projects, and download files with ease.
  • Reference: Search and Browse Files in the Asset Library


  • Unlock project insights: Get detailed analytics on project status, asset usage, user activity, and team productivity.
  • Track performance: Measure progress, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your workflow.
  • Uncover trends and patterns: Gain valuable insights into team dynamics and resource allocation to enhance overall efficiency.
  • Reference: Reports.


  • Ensure flawless artworks: Inspect and review artworks using AI-powered tools for color and layer analysis, font inspection, barcode verification, braille inspection, and spell check.
  • Catch errors before they print: Identify and address inconsistencies and potential issues to guarantee exceptional quality.
  • Track changes effortlessly: Seamlessly compare different artwork versions to visualize progress and ensure accuracy.
  • Reference: Proofread your Files.


  • Tailor your experience: Configure, customize, and oversee every aspect of your ManageArtworks environment to align perfectly with your team's needs.
  • Manage users and access: Add new users, assign roles and permissions, and ensure a secure and organized workspace.
  • Define workflows: Design project templates, checklists, and email notifications to streamline processes and enhance collaboration.
  • Reference: Getting Started as an Administrator.


  • Elevate packaging design: The Dieline module provides a dedicated space for managing all aspects of packaging design, ensuring precision and consistency across your projects.
  • Create and manage dielines: Easily design and store dielines, and link them to projects for seamless integration into your workflow.
  • Collaborate with teams: Share dielines with designers, marketers, and other stakeholders to ensure everyone is aligned on packaging requirements and specifications.
  • Review and approve: Facilitate thorough reviews with version control, allowing you to track changes, gather feedback, and approve dielines with confidence.
  • Integrate with 3D simulations: Visualize your dielines in 3D to verify fit, finish, and functionality before moving into production.
  • Reference: Dieline and 3D Simulation.