Manage Users

How do I manage users?

Manage Users with the Action Column

The Action column in the users allows you to perform various actions on existing users, including editing user information, activate/deactivate users, viewing user information and lock/unlock users.

To Edit the User Information

  1. Click the Edit button in the Action column associated with the user you want to edit.
  2. Make the desired changes to the user's information.
  3. Click the Save button to apply your edits.

To Deactivate/Activate the User

  1. Toggle user status between active and inactive using the Active/Inactive button in the Action column.
    Note: Inactive users cannot access the system, but their account information remains intact.

To Lock/Unlock the User

  1. Click the Lock icon to temporarily disable a user's login capabilities without deleting their account.
  2. Click the Unlock icon to reinstate login access for a previously locked user.

    - Unlocked             - Locked

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