Proofread an Artwork

New to Web Viewer? Use this guide to learn the basics. Check colors, layers, fonts, barcode, spellings and more.

Proofing Tools

Color Tool

The Color tool provides valuable information about the types of colors present, their ink coverage, and density, empowering you to ensure accurate and consistent color reproduction.

Key Concepts:

  • Spot Colors: These are solid, premixed inks, often based on the Pantone Matching System (PMS), used for precise color matching.
  • Process Colors: These colors are created by combining four standard inks: Cyan (C), Magenta (M), Yellow (Y), and Black (K). They offer a wider range of colors but may have slight variations in production.
  • Color Densitometer: This feature measures the color density at specific points in your artwork, helping you assess ink coverage and potential printing issues.

Accessing Color Information:

  1. Click the Color tool to reveal a comprehensive overview of the colors in your artwork.
  2. Review the details for spot colors, process colors, and their ink coverage.
  3. Utilize the Color Densitometer to pinpoint color density by hovering over specific areas.
  4. Customize the unit of measure for ink coverage (percentage or your preferred unit) using the drop-down menu.
  5. Isolate individual colors within the artwork by checking or unchecking them in the Color tool.

Layer Tool

When proofing complex artwork, it’s a challenge to verify all the items in the artwork file. Layer tool provide you an easy way to verify all the items that make up the artwork file

Note: The Layer tool effectively analyzes files that have well-defined layers. Flattened PDFs, where layers have been merged, cannot be fully parsed.

Accessing and Utilizing Layers:

  1. Activate the Layer Tool: Click the Layer tool to unveil a comprehensive list of layers within the artwork file.
  2. Review and Isolate Layers:
    • Examine the available layers to visualize the file's structure.
    • Selectively view or hide individual layers by checking or unchecking them within the tool. This allows you to focus on specific elements and examine their content without visual clutter.

Benefits of Layer-Based Proofing:

  • Enhanced Clarity: Layers bring clarity to complex artwork, making it easier to identify and verify individual components.
  • Error Detection: Isolate potential errors or inconsistencies within specific layers, ensuring a more thorough proofing process.
  • Improved Collaboration: Facilitate clear communication and feedback by referencing specific layers in discussions with collaborators or reviewers.

Font Tool

The Font tool helps you to verify the fonts used in the artwork.

Accessing Font Information:

  1. Click the Font tool to reveal the fonts present in your artwork.
  2. Filter results by font style or size for focused analysis.
  3. Click any font and click the drop-drown icon to view its detailed information, including cap height, x-height, and a visual highlight within the artwork.
  4. Customize the font size unit of measure as needed.
  5. Utilize the "Highlight All" feature to swiftly reveal all selectable text within the file.

Tooltip Feature:

  • Gain quick insights into text properties by hovering over it.
  • Click ToolTip and hover over the text available in the artwork to view the details
  • Access details such as text size, style, cap height, x-height, and width effortlessly.

Manual Feature (for Non-Selectable Text):

  • Meticulously analyze non-selectable text, commonly found in curved files.
  • Click on the Manual button and define a specific area using a box selection.
  • Click "Generate" to reveal text height and width measurements for each word within the selected area.

Font Terminology:

  • Cap Height: The vertical height of capital letters, measured from the baseline.
  • X-Height: The height of the main body of lowercase letters, excluding ascenders and descenders.
  • X-Height Significance: Fonts with large x-heights are generally considered easier to read at small font sizes, whereas small x-heights require more spacing between letters and larger font size to achieve legibility.

Barcode Tool

The Barcode tool helps you to verify the barcodes used in the artwork.

Accessing Barcode Information:

  1. Accessing the Barcode Tool:
    1. Click on the Barcode tool to initiate the barcode verification process.
  2. Viewing Barcodes:
    1. The Barcode tool will display all available barcodes in your artwork file.
    2. Utilize the "Highlight All" option to visually identify all barcodes within the artwork.
  3. Details of Barcodes:
    1. Click on any available barcode to access detailed information, including type, value, class, quality, contrast, magnification, numbering, direction, and more.

Metadata Tool

Metadata is information about the data.

Metadata of an artwork file can also include pack size, NDC code, manufacturing location, etc.

Accessing Metadata Information:

  • Click Metadata to view the information about the artwork file.

Spell Check Tool

The Spell Check helps you to verify the spellings used in the artwork. Spell Check addresses the spelling issues and simplifies the experience by building a dictionary, managing ignored words list, and correcting the misspelled words.

Accessing Spell Check:

  1. Click on the Spell Check tool to initiate the spelling verification process.
  2. Web Viewer Options:
    1. Choose between Automatic and Manual spell check options based on your preference.
    2. In Automatic mode, the entire artwork file is analyzed; in Manual mode, you can specify a particular region for analysis.
  3. Click the language drop-down icon and choose the language used in your artwork file.
  4. Automatic Spell Check:
    1. Click the "Spell Check" button to commence the analysis of the artwork file.
    2. A list of misspelled words and those not in the dictionary will be presented.
    3. Options include:
      1. Click "Ignore" to skip the highlighted misspelled word.
      2. Click "Change" to correct the misspelled word, choosing from proposed alternatives or entering your own.
      3. Click "Add" to include the highlighted misspelled word in the dictionary.
  5. Manual Spell Check:
    1. Click Select Language and select the desired language.
    2. Specify the area on the artwork file using the Tooltip feature.
    3. Click "Spell Check" to generate a list of misspelled words in that area.
    4. A list of words which are misspelled and/or not listed in the dictionary will appear from that area.
    5. Like automatic spell check, we can use Ignore, Change or Add options on the highlighted misspelled word. Refer Automatic Spell Check section to know more about Ignore, Change and Add options.

Annotate on Files