Add/Edit Asset Type

How do I add a new Asset Type?

01. Access the Admin Module

  1. Log in to your ManageArtworks account.
  2. Navigate to the Admin module located on the left-hand side of the interface.
  3. Click on the Lists and Teams tab.

02. Create a New Asset Type

  1. Click the Add button within the List Item column associated with Asset Type.
  2. Enter a descriptive name that clearly reflects the type of asset (e.g., Image, Video, Document).
  3. Click Save to create the new asset type.
  4. Indicate whether files of this type May Contain Barcode by selecting YES or NO. This setting optimizes system resources and ensures accurate file handling.

03. Assign a Team to the Asset Type

  1. Click the Edit button in the Action column next to the relevant asset type.
  2. Select or deselect users by clicking the checkboxes next to their usernames to associate them with the asset type.
  3. Click Save to associate the chosen users with the Asset Type.

How do I edit Asset Type?

Editing Asset Type

  1. Click the Edit button in the Action column next to the asset type you want to modify.
  2. Update any of the following details as needed:
    • Asset type name
    • Assigned team members.
  3. Click Save to apply your changes.