
Quickly pinpoint changes by comparing two versions of an artwork file. Web Viewer analyzes the files and presents a report detailing the differences between the documents.

Compare File Type

Artwork PDF

A label or artwork file in PDF format is called an "Artwork PDF." The Web Viewer analyses and highlight changes in the artwork or label file. Packaging includes carton, labels and foils.

Compare Options

ManageArtworks Web Viewer supports various compare option such as:

  • Default Compare: Allows you to compare the entire master File and the sample File.
  • Manual Compare: Allows you to compare a specific area on the master file and the sample file by allowing you to specify the area on the master and sample files.
  • Custom Page Compare: Allows you to compare between pages. For example, you can compare the first page of the master file with the third page of the sample file.
  • Layer Compare: Allows you to compare layer by layer. For example, you can select or deselect specific layers in the master and sample files and then compare the files for those selected layers.

Compare Type

ManageArtworks Web Viewer supports two compare types such as:

  • Pixel Compare
  • Text Compare

Pixel Compare – It is a pixel-by-pixel comparison. For example, consider two images (Bitmap 1 and Bitmap 2) the web viewer gets the color of pixels that have the same coordinates within the image and compares this color. If the color of each pixel of both images coincides, the web viewer considers the two images to be identical.

Text Compare – It is a comparison of text between two files. Text Compare categorizes the differences into:

  • Only in Master: Shows text that is only available in the Master File.
  • Only in Sample: Shows text that is only available in the Sample File.
  • Text Difference: Shows text that is different between the files.
  • Formatting: Shows text that has different formatting, such as font size, font family, bold, and so on.
  • Casing: Shows text that has different casing, like upper or lower case.

Compare Artwork Files

  1. Click on the "Compare Mode" located in the upper right corner of your screen.
  2. Select files for comparison from Version, Library, Workflow, or Desktop.
  3. After selecting files from desired location, select compare option.
  4. Select compare type.
  5. Click "Compare" to commence the analysis. Web Viewer will analyze the files and display results in the deviation panel.

Swapping Master and Sample

  • The Master and Sample files can be interchanged by clicking the "Swap" option.

Comparison Modes

  • Flicker (Default Mode):
    • Enables rapid back-and-forth motion between the Master and Sample files, highlighting discrepancies, allowing users to easily identify differences.
    • Use the pause button to pause the flickering.
  • Side by Side Mode:
    • Prefer a static approach? This mode presents the Master and Sample files side-by-side, enabling detailed comparison at your own pace.

Deviation Panel

  • This panel is your command center for exploring differences. And it contains two tabs such as Pixel Deviation and Text Deviation. 
    • Pixel Deviation: This tab lists and showcases discrepancies related to pixels, such as color variations, object misalignment, or missing elements.
    • Text Deviation: This tab focuses on differences in text content, highlighting misspellings, formatting inconsistencies, or missing text snippets.
  • Deviation Settings:
    • Deviation Style: Choose between "Box" or "Contour" visualizations to represent discrepancies within the artwork itself.
    • Deviation Number: Show or hide the numbered identifier assigned to each deviation for efficient reference.
    • High Sensitive: Activate this mode for enhanced precision, especially useful for subtle variations in large artworks.

Managing Deviations

  • Eye Icon: Toggle the visibility of the "Box" or "Contour" representation for each identified deviation.
  • Navigation: Clicking on a listed deviation in any tab instantly zooms you to the corresponding location in the respective artwork file for closer inspection.
  • Ignoring Deviations: Click the green box icon beside any deviation you deem acceptable to mark it as ignored. It will change to red for visual confirmation.
  • Adding Comments: Click the comment icon next to any deviation to add explanatory notes or justifications for ignoring it.

Generate Proofing Report

  1. Click Generate proofing report.
  2. Select the Elements of your choice and click Generate Report to get the web viewer analysis report for those selected elements.
  3. A detailed PDF report for those elements will be downloaded to your system.

Checklist in Web Viewer