
Catch errors and ensure the quality of your artwork files with ManageArtworks intuitive proofing tools.

Access the Proofing Module

  1. Log in to your ManageArtworks account.
  2. Click "Proofing" on the left-hand menu panel.

Proofread a Single File

  1. Choose your file:
    1. Click "UPLOAD A FILE."
    2. Locate and select the desired file in the Open dialog box.
    3. Alternatively, drag and drop the PDF file directly into the file drop area.
  2. Initiate proofing:
    1. Click "Proceed."
    2. The file will open in the ManageArtworks WebViewer in a new tab, equipped with proofing and annotation tools to guide your review.

Compare Two Files

  1. Select the files:
    1. Click "UPLOAD TWO FILES."
    2. Locate and select the two files you want to compare.
    3. Alternatively, drag and drop both PDF files directly into the file drop area.
  2. Specify comparison type:
    1. Choose "Artwork PDF" for comparing digital artwork files. ManageArtworks will analyze and highlight any changes between the versions.
  3. Initiate comparison:
    1. Click "Proceed."
    2. The files will open in the ManageArtworks WebViewer in a new tab.
    3. Select the desired comparison options and click "Compare" to initiate the analysis.

Proofread an Artwork

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