Dieline and 3D Simulation

A dieline is a flattened template that shows the folds and cuts needed to create a physical package. It's like a blueprint for your packaging design, ensuring everything fits together perfectly. ManageArtworks makes creating and customizing dielines a breeze.
Note: The Dieline module is an Enterprise Plan feature but can be added as an add-on for Growth Plan users. For more information on all ManageArtworks plans, click here.


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How do I create a dieline and simulate it in 3D?

The Dieline feature in ManageArtworks enables users to create or modify Key Line Drawings (KLD) or Dieline from a comprehensive list of pre-defined dielines available. Users can customize the dimensions (width, length, height) and material/color of the selected dieline for a realistic preview. The dieline can be exported as a PDF for further design work in external applications like Illustrator or InDesign. This artwork can then be uploaded and superimposed over the KLD, allowing for 3D simulations that transform the dieline from 2D to 3D, facilitating accurate packaging design simulations.

Note on Terminology

The terms Key Line Drawing (KLD), Dieline, Diecut, and Structural Design all refer to the same concept. For consistency, we will use the term Dieline throughout this guide.

01. Access Dieline

  1. Log in to your ManageArtworks account.
  2. Select the Dieline module.

02. Find Your Perfect Preset

  1. On selecting the Dieline module, a comprehensive list of predefined dielines will be displayed.
  2. Pick your perfect dieline template! You can use any of these methods to find the one you need:
    • By Uses: Find templates designed for specific purposes (shipping boxes, beverage containers, etc.).
    • By Models: Choose from different box styles (folding cartons, tuck-end boxes, etc.).
    • Free Text Search: Quickly find templates by name or keyword.

03. Customize and Preview

  1. Upon selecting a dieline, a new window opens with three sections:
    • Left: Allows you to view the dieline.
    • Middle: Allows you to customize the dimensions (width, height, and length) and add graphics to your dieline.
    • Right: Allows you to watch your dieline come to life in a real-time 3D preview.

  2. To rename the dieline title:
    1. Click the edit icon next to the dieline placeholder name.
    2. Enter the new name in the Project Name field.
    3. Click Save to update the dieline title.
  3. If required, download the dieline as a PDF, AI, or DXF file for further editing in design software like Illustrator or InDesign using the Export option.

04. Add Graphics

  1. You can overlay your graphics onto the dieline using any of the following methods:
    • Add Graphics
    • Choose From Asset Library (available in the drop-down menu)
    • Choose From Desktop (available in the drop-down menu)

Add Graphics

  1. Clicking the Add Graphics button will take you directly to the Upload & Design window. This window consists of three sections:
    • Image Uploads (Left): Upload and manage your graphics.
    • Dieline Editing (Middle): Work on your dieline and artwork placement.
    • 3D Preview with Controls (Right): See your design in 3D, with:
      • Slider: Simulate the packaging opening and closing.
      • Customization Options: Adjust dimensions, material, and color for a realistic preview.

  2. To overlay your images:
    1. Click the Add Image option in the left section to upload your desired images.
    2. Locate and select your desired files, then click Open.
    3. Select the desired image from the left section to superimpose it over the dieline.
    4. Adjust the image size using the bounding box.

    5. Add any number of images onto the dieline as desired to make your desired artwork.
    6. Customize the dimensions (width, length and height), material, and color of the selected dieline as desired.

    7. View the 3D dieline in the 3D preview window. You can maximize the 3D preview window by dragging its left corner.
    8. Use the slider in the 3D preview window to simulate the dieline from open to closed states.
    9. Click Save to save the changes made to the dieline.

    10. Access saved projects under the My Project section in the dieline module main window.

Choose From Asset Library

  1. Select the Choose From Asset Library option from the Add Graphics drop-down menu.
  2. The Lookup pop-up window will open, displaying all asset library files.
  3. Select the desired file and click the Attach Files button.

  4. The file will open in the Web Viewer with enhanced features, including:
    • Mark Region: Crop specific regions in the artwork for simulation.

      1. Click the Mark Region button.
      2. Specify the area on the artwork.
      3. Click the "Crop Marked Region" button to crop the selected area.

      4. The cropped image will open in the Upload & Design window, where it will be overlaid on the dieline.
      5. Adjust the image size using the bounding box as desired.

      6. To include additional cropped regions from the same artwork:
        1. Close the Upload & Design window.
        2. Repeat steps a-c above for each additional area you want to crop.
      7. To overlay different images, refer to the step 2. of Add Graphics section.
    • 3D Simulation: Provides a comprehensive 3D preview and customization environment.

      • Click the 3D Simulation button in the web viewer.
      • This opens the Upload & Design window, where you can add overlays, customize dimensions (width, length and height) and material/color, and preview the dieline in 3D.
      • You can either add the marked region images or add new images.
    • 3D: Provides a comprehensive 3D preview.
      • Once the dieline is saved with the cropped image, an additional 3D option will appear in the web viewer. 
      • Clicking the 3D option allows you to view the 3D version of the artwork.
      • You can use the slider to simulate the dieline from open to closed states.

Choose From Desktop

  1. Select the Choose From Desktop option from the Add Graphics drop-down menu.
  2. A file selection popup window will open.
  3. Click the Choose File button to select files from your desktop.
  4. Locate and select your desired file, then click Open.
  5. Click Proceed.
  6. The file will open in the Web Viewer with enhanced features. Follow the step 4. in the Choose From Asset Library section for further actions.

05. 3D Snapshot

  1. If needed, capture a snapshot of your 3D design. You can capture a snapshot of the 3D design by using the 3D Snapshot button. There are two ways to obtain the snapshot:

    1. Download
      1. Hover over the 3D Snapshot button, and two options will appear: Download and Upload to Asset Library.
      2. To download the snapshot to your system, select the Download option. A snapshot of the 3D design will automatically be saved to your device.
    2. Upload to Asset Library
      1. To upload the snapshot to the Asset Library, select the Upload to Asset Library option. This will prompt the Snapshot Upload Details pop-up.
      2. In this window, provide a name for the snapshot. There are two ways to name your snapshot:

        1. GS1 Standard Label: If you need to follow the GS1 naming standard, choose this option from the Select Name drop-down menu.
          1. Based on your category selection, additional fields related to the GS1 format will appear. Fill out these fields accordingly. A preview of the file name will be shown next to the Upload Snapshot button.

          2. Once all required fields are filled, click Upload Snapshot to upload the file. A confirmation toast message will appear upon successful upload, and the snapshot will be saved with the same name displayed in the preview.
        2. Others: If you prefer a custom file name, choose Others from the drop-down and manually enter your desired file name in the File Name field.
          1. After entering the file name, click Upload Snapshot to add the file to the Asset Library. A success toast message will confirm the upload, and the snapshot will be saved with the same name that you have entered.


06. Access Projects

  1. ManageArtworks automatically saves your customized dieline. Access them anytime under "My Projects" within the Dieline module.

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