Manage Files

How do I upload files in asset library?

Upload Files

Files can be uploaded to the Asset Library as single files, or in bulk.

  1. Navigate to the Asset Library.
  2. Upload files to the asset library using one of the following methods:
    1. Click the "Add Files" drop-down menu.
      • From Desktop: Browse and select files from your desktop.
      • Asset Library: Choose files from the asset library.
    2. Drag and drop files directly into the Files tab.
  3. Enter relevant metadata in the respective metadata fields.
  4. For bulk uploads, utilize the "Copy to all" feature to apply the same metadata to all files within the upload.
  5. Once you have entered all the relevant details, click Upload to upload the file into the asset library.

Search Files

  1. The Asset Library has a robust search functionality that allows the user to perform either free text search or metadata/facet based search.
    • Free Text Search: Type keywords or file names in the search bar for quick results.
    • Metadata/Facet-Based Search: Explore facets (groups based on metadata) to narrow your search, such as Artwork Type, Component Type, File Type, and Brand Name.

Manage Files

How do I update files in asset library?

Update Files

  1. To update the files available in the asset library:
    1. Hover over the file you want to update.
    2. Click "More Options" and select "Update."
    3. Choose the new file from your desktop (ensure the file type matches).
    4. Click "Open" to finalize the update.


How do I share files in asset library?

Share Files

  1. To share the files available in the asset library:
    1. Hover over the file you want to share.
    2. Click "More Options," and select "Share."
    3. Add users to share with and provide comments if needed.
    4. Attach additional files if desired.
    5. Click "Share" to send the files.


How do I delete files in asset library?

Delete Files

  1. To delete the files available in the asset library:
    1. Hover over the desired file you want to delete.
    2. Click "More Options," and select "Delete."
    3. Click Ok to confirm the deletion to remove the file permanently.


How do I bookmark files in asset library?

Bookmark Files

  1. To bookmark the files available in the asset library:
    1. Hover over the desired file you want to bookmark.
    2. Click the bookmark icon to add a file to your bookmarks.
    3. View bookmarked files from the hamburger menu.
    4. Click the bookmark icon again to remove a bookmark.


How do I download files in asset library?

Download Files

  1. To download the files available in the asset library:
    1. Hover over the desired file you want to download.
    2. Click the download icon to save a file to your device.


How do I edit file metadata in asset library?

Add/Edit Files Metadata

  1. To edit the file metadata available in the asset library
    1. Hover over the desired file you want to edit or add metadata.
    2. Click the info icon, then Edit.
    3. Add or modify desired metadata in their respective fields.
    4. Click Save to apply the changes.

 How do I view changes and revisions in artworks or files?

  1. To track changes and revisions in your artwork or files:
    1. Hover over the file for which you want to view the change history.
    2. Click on "More Options," then select "Audit Log" to see a detailed list of all actions taken against the file for full transparency and accountability.

    3. If you need a record of these actions, click "Export.".
    4. An Excel file containing all the audit log details will be downloaded to your system for further reference.