Provide Feedback

The feedback tool allows users to easily share their thoughts, report issues, or suggest improvements. This guide will explain how to use the feedback tool effectively.

How do I provide feedback?

01. Open the Feedback Tool

  1. Log into ManageArtworks.
  2. Click the help icon located at the bottom right corner of your screen.
  3. Select the "Give feedback" button to open the feedback form.

02. Enter Your Feedback

  1. In the text box labeled "Tell us what you think!", type your comments, suggestions, or issues.
  2. Be as detailed as possible to help the team understand your feedback.

03. Attach a Screenshot (Optional)

  1. If you want to provide visual context to your feedback, click the "Attach screenshot" button.
  2. This will capture a screenshot of your current page.
  3. You can edit the screenshot using two options:
    • Highlight: Use this to emphasize specific areas of the screenshot. A resizable rectangle will appear, which you can move and adjust as needed.
    • Blacken: Use this to obscure any sensitive information in the screenshot. A black rectangle will appear, which you can move and resize.
  4. Once you are satisfied with the screenshot, click the "Attach" button to include it with your feedback.

04. Record a Video (Optional)

  1. To give a more comprehensive explanation, click the "Record video" button.
  2. Screen recording will start automatically after a five-second countdown.
  3. Perform the actions you want to capture within the application.
  4. The maximum recording length is 35 seconds.
  5. To stop recording before the time limit, click the "Stop" button.

  6. A preview of the recorded video will play back for you to review.
  7. If you are satisfied with the video, click the "Attach" button to include it with your feedback.

05. Submit Your Feedback

  1. Once you have filled out the form and attached any optional files, click the "Send feedback" button.
  2. Your feedback will be submitted to the support team for review.

Tips for Effective Feedback

  • Be Specific: Clearly describe the issue or suggestion. Include steps to reproduce any problems you are experiencing.
  • Include Context: Mention any relevant information such as the browser or device you are using.
  • Visual Aids: Screenshots and videos can greatly enhance your feedback by providing visual context.